Thursday, May 10, 2007

i want to make some money

There have been some new additions to my blog so I figured I should explain what they are all about. The first addition consisted of some google ads. A few weeks ago, I signed up for an account with Google's Adwords. Basically what this program does is place ads on your webpage, and then you get paid for each time someone clicks on the links. My account has been up and active for about a week now and so far I have made 12 cents. So this is not a ton of money, but hey, 12 cents in one week for doing nothing is better than nothing.

Today, I joined Amazon's Associates program. This program is similar to Adwords, but instead of just putting links on my site, this program allows me to place specific advertisements on the side of my blog. Currently, I have ads for two CD's- Bethany Dillon's "Waking Up" and Matt Wertz's "Everything in Between". These are two of my favorite CDs so I figured I would recommend them to my blog readers. Also, if anyone clicks on those links and then purchases those CD's, I will receive some money for that too.

Overall, setting up both of these programs was very simple. It only took a few minutes and I just followed the steps that the websites explained to me. So if you are bored, you should set it up on your blog and maybe make a few extra dollars (or cents...).

Here are some links to get started...
Google Adwords
Amazon Associates


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