Sunday, March 11, 2007

grey's wiki edit #2

Well, since my last Grey's Anatomy wikipedia edit didn't go very well (someone deleted it :( ), I decided I would try again! Hopefully, this edit will last longer, but the Grey's Anatomy wiki fans are pretty hardcore- tons of people change stuff and have pretty strong opinions about the whole thing.

This time, I just added a link to a different wikipedia article. In the trivia section, there is a list of instances in which Grey's Anatomy is referenced in other TV shows. One example of this occurs in the television show "The Office". All of the other examples include a link to the respective wikipedia article for whatever show they are referencing, so I changed the text that said "The Office" to a link to the wiki about The Office - just like that.

Even though it was a small addition, I think it makes the list more consistent and will help direct readers if they are interested in learning more about that show. You can click here to see my edit. (Hopefully its still there!)

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